We’re in this together & together
we can make a difference.
Welcome to The Earth Circle, a space
where making mindful choices is easy and nurturing
the environment becomes second nature.

The Earth Circle was born from a desire to live in a more balanced world, a world where there isn’t just a take from the environment but also a give! The community we are building is based on our strong belief that one person can make a difference. If each individual decides to reduce their carbon and plastic footprint, live more sustainably and make conscious purchase decisions, the pressure on our planet will reduce drastically.
Together we can make a difference. How do we do this? Through first person experiences, peer learnings, exchanging ideas, finding sustainable alternatives and with our support system of members, The Circle. Our dreams are big, but all we need to start is one person, making one change, one choice at a time. Will you join us in this dream?

Our Philosophy
The Earth Circle is a zero waste and zero judgement space! We understand that the desire to do better lies within us all, but sometimes acting on that desire can be a little daunting. But we believe every individual and every change no matter how big or small can make a difference. Our goal is simple, we want to empower you to make more ecologically sound choices so that we all can live a healthier life, in a healthier environment. And it doesn’t matter where you are in the journey towards being eco-friendly, we are here to support you in taking the next step and making a better future for the planet.

Our Path
We’re all in this together. Let us hold your hand and guide you through articles, discussions and even solutions offered through the forum. There will always be someone ahead of you in the eco journey, just as there will always be a newbie who is just dipping their toes to test the water. Our role is that of a mentor-friend to guide and empower you to make ecologically sound choices so that in turn you guide another. All we ask is that you give back what you take, from the environment and this community, to complete the circle. We will also guide you towards eco-friendly products from trusted brands and slowly build a community of like-minded people who positively work towards bettering the environment, one step at a time.

What you can do?
Well it’s easy! One person, one choice, one change at a time. Take the pledge to join The Earth Circle and show up for the environment. While we know there are a lot of gloomy statistics out there, we want to shine the light on the positive and keep you informed. This could be through articles, discussions or even listing products that have been personally vetted by us and are eco-friendly. Buy the products, make the change and if you can’t find what you are looking for, we’d be happy to source options for you.
If you like what you read, please share the articles, involve your friends and expand the community. Also don’t forget to be active on The Circle forum as we work towards building a community, a movement together. Another way to be an active member of The Circle is by supporting and joining the sponsor programmes and eventually giving back by becoming a sponsor to further the good work. And remember we are always open to suggestions, tips and ideas from you, so write in to us.
Our Founder
A leader in the fitness space, the youngest certified Pilates instructor with studios spread across the country…this is only one side of Namrata Purohit. The other, less public persona would love to escape into the wilderness or live by a beach, surfing, dancing and hiking every day and living off the Earth with a minimal footprint. The Earth Circle, a passion project, is a reflection of this other side, the one that loves to dive into the ocean and swim with fishes. An ardent lover of nature, Namrata understands the desire to live a 100% sustainable and eco-friendly life and that it is something many people, including her, would like to attain. But she also believes that every percent matters and that every person can make a difference by making small changes.

Nature has always had its hold on me. I find that there are so many things to learn from each thing in nature, from each living being and non-living part of Earth.”
Growing up all children dream of living their best lives and for Namrata that dream was living in the jungles and working with animals… Passionate about conservation and fascinated by nature’s ways, she has always strived to strike a balance by giving back to nature.
“I find myself in nature very often, and extremely inspired by nature. I love Earth, I love this amazing gift we have, and I keep trying to do my best for it.”
Admitting that living in a social, big city life makes it slightly challenging to always go with sustainable choices, be it due to the cost factor, accessibility or even lack of knowledge, her venture, The Earth Circle, is an effort to change that and make it easier to follow through on our intentions.
Namrata strives to build a community of like-minded individuals, in a zero-judgement place, that encourages and supports a more harmonious way of living.
“I believe as long as we have the intention and we are doing right, one little choice at a time, we are on the right path.